The Jewel Heart Malaysian Chapter offers guidance to those who wish to practice Buddhism in the tradition taught by Gelek Rimpoche. Gelek Rimpoche first came to Malaysia in 1983 at the invitation of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysian. Gelek Rimpoche played an integral part in introducing Buddhism to Malaysia in the early 80s when he taught extensively throughout Malaysia and in 1992 the Jewel Heart Malaysian chapter was formed.

Rimpoche not only conducted programs for Jewel Heart but also for the Buddhist community in Malaysia. For example in 2006 at the invitation of the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia, Rimpoche was invited together with the monks from Nyare Khamtsen in Drepung Loseling to co-preside over Malaysia’s first Buddhist Festival held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Rimpoche’s students continue to practice the teachings given by Rimpoche and also continue to receive webcast teachings throughout the year. The chapter strives to provide guidance to anyone interested to pursue and practice the teachings in the Gelug tradition by encouraging participation in discussion and study groups facilitated by Rimpoche’s senior students.

Friends of the Jewel Heart in Malaysia meet up for dharma discussions and other related activities. For details please contact via [email protected] or phone. All are welcome to join.



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