Jewel Heart International Blog

Welcome to Jewel Heart’s blog, wisdom from Gelek Rimpoche’s and Demo Rinpoche’s teachings, and periodic updates on what’s happening in the Jewel Heart International community.

Happiness (Demo Rinpoche โ€“ Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #212 July 14, 2024)
In our lives, we are doing a lot of things. Mainly, we are working so hard to avoid two things in our life – the suffering of the body and the suffering of mind. The uneasiness, or whatever you call it.  In order to avoid bodily discomfort, many smart people do a lot of things...
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Ride the Horse of Enthusiasm (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #211 June 30, 2024)
In Shantidevaโ€™s Bodhisattvaโ€™s Way of Life he says, After patience, you have to focus on enthusiasm. People who have enthusiasm will find enlightenment. Then he gives examples – Without wind there is no movement. Likewise, without enthusiasm we will not accumulate any merit.ย When we say merit, often we are thinking about a light. Something that...
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Expectations Increase Negative Emotions Levels (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #210 – June 23, 2024)
Sometimes in everyday life, one thing that causes problems is our expectations. In teachings like the Mind Training, they say โ€œdonโ€™t hold hopeโ€. I think what they mean by โ€œhopeโ€ is expectations. There is a little difference between hope and expectations. Whenever you do something you can have hope, and that is your awareness of...
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Adopt Virtue, Discard Non-Virtue (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. # 199 – March 31, 2024)
In Buddha’s Sutra he says: Discard non-virtue that is already generated. Prevent non-virtue not yet generated. Develop virtue that already have generated. Generate virtue not yet generated yet. In order to do these four deeds, have the motivation first. Then try, and then work hard, then hold your mind and then place your mind. Usually there are two...
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Fulfilling Our Goals (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #153 January 22, 2023)
Ride the Horse of Enthusiasm (Demo Rinpoche โ€“ Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #211 June 30, 2024) Looking Back Every new year, I feel like โ€œGosh, what happened to the last 12 months? What did I do”? I think about what I did last year and then about what I will do for the next 12...
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