A Prayer for the Coronavirus Crisis
Composed by Demo Rinpoche on March 16, 2020
All living beings are my parents,
All living beings are my siblings.
When all living beings are suffering
I fervently generate indestructible love and compassion.
By the blessings of immeasurable love
By the force of awareness of unmistaken truth
Of all previous great holy beings
May all living beings be free from the dangers of illness.
Grasping hands in a circle of friendship,
Seeing the wisdom of benefit to self and others,
By the perfections of generosity, morality, and patience,
May all living beings be free from the dangers of illness.
This disease, as well as
All future wars, famine, and crises shall not arise to be named.
From the smallest plant to every creature on this planet,
May all be victorious over unwanted harm.
During the critical emergency of the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), with the desire to help relax the mental and physical uneasiness of all friends on earth, Demo Rinpoche wrote this four-stanza prayer with a warm heart.
Downloadable Prayer for the Coronavirus Crisis
A Short Guided Tara Practice for Healing by Demo Rinpoche
Everything is in Your Hands by Demo Rinpoche
Advice from His Holiness the Dalai Lama
His Holiness the Dalai Lama recently gave the following advice on the coronavirus.
Your Support Matters
With deep appreciation for the dharma and your support in making these helpful resources widely available, we welcome all tax-deductible contributions during this difficult time.
Additional Meditations and Teachings for Health and Well-being

Gelek Rimpoche presents a White Tara meditation to overcome physical, mental and emotional suffering.
Downloadable Tara Prayers

This section currently offers four basic Buddhist practices on health and well-being for ourselves and others: White Tara, Green Tara, Twenty-one Taras and Medicine Buddha.

White Tara is a Tibetan Buddhist practice particularly associated with healing and long life.

The practice of generating oneself as Tara should only be done by those who have received either a full Kriya tantra initiation or a highest Yoga tantra initiation.
Downloadable Tara Prayers

Gelek Rimpoche – 2011 Spring Retreat at the Garrison Institute.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Downloadable Tara Prayers

Gelek Rimpoche – 2004 White Tara Workshop.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Gelek Rimpoche – 2003 Memorial Day Weekend Retreat at the Garrison Institute.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Gelek Rimpoche – April, 2013 Jewel Heart New York.
Episode 1

Green Tara practice draws on Green Tara’s quick and fearless ability to help those who call upon her and is completely relevant to our needs today.

Downloadable Green Tara Prayers

The Praise to the 21 Taras is recited very often in every monastery, every nunnery of Tibetan Buddhism and by all individuals. This praise is very important. There are considered to be twenty-one different peaceful and wrathful manifestations of Tara and the praise is for each one of them.

Gelek Rimpoche – 2005 Summer Retreat in Albion, MI.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Downloadable 21 Taras Praise

The practice of the Eight Medicine Buddhas is a powerful method for healing oneself and others. Further, it protects from dangers and obstacles, while helping to eradicate the inner sicknesses of obsession, hatred and ignorance.
Private Home Retreats
During the Corona social isolation period you may feel inspired to do a personal retreat for a few days or even weeks such as a refuge retreat, Lam Rim retreat, Migtsema (Tsongkhapa’s Mantra) retreat within the Ganden Lhagyema, White Tara, and other tantric deity retreat. If you are contemplating an individual retreat and would like support, please email [email protected]. To help facilitate activities such as these, please consider donating on https://www.jewelheart.org/join-donate/
Vajrayana Materials
Audio recordings of various Geluk tradition vajrayana sadhanas are available for eligible vajrayana practitioners on the Jewel Heart Members webpage. Click on “Show Vajrayana” from “Vajrayana Materials and Downloads” at the bottom of the Member webpage. If you’ve received the required initiations, open “Vajrayana Audio Prayers”.
Prayer Requests
For those wishing to request prayers for friends and family who are sick or have passed away, please email Ujjen Tsewang at [email protected] . Ujjen will make arrangements for prayers to be recited by monks from Gelek Rimpoche’s closest monastic home, Drepung Loseling Monastery’s Nyagre Khangtsen. Your donation for prayers will be sent directly to the monks. Prayers will be offered as soon as arrangements are made.
Jewel Heart Chaplaincy Services
In these difficult times it is important to know that help is available and through the kindness and prescience of Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche we have an established community chaplaincy. The primary purpose of this group is to provide assistance in times of illness, end of life and other difficult life experiences for ourselves and for our loved ones.
If you need Chaplaincy Services, as noted below, please email: [email protected] or call 734-994-3387 ext. 226 Click here to learn more.