Practice Satisfaction and Rejoice (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #147)

Practice Satisfaction and Rejoice

Sometimes we need something called rejoicing in ourselves and feeling contentment and satisfaction with what we have. That is two things: Don’t feel pride. Don’t feel arrogant. But you can practice satisfaction with yourself, trying to be satisfied with who you are, with what you have and rejoice in your good things.

You can rejoice in yourself thinking, “So far, I did not do bad things. Many times, I have been rescuing myself from doing bad things. Many times, I tried to do good things.” So, focus on your qualities and your good things and rejoice. Not being prideful doesn’t mean you look down on yourself. Not looking down on others doesn’t mean you look down on you. Rejoice in what you have, in what you are doing, even if you are helping one person. That is way better than people who don’t do anything.

Just focus on these things, rejoice in yourself and at least you are trying to improve yourself. You are trying to be kind. What you try to do is also a good quality. A lot of people don’t even think about it.

If you are working, rejoice in that. Working means what – helping others. Any work you do helps others. If you drive a bus you help others, bringing them here and there. If you work at Starbucks you are helping others. That’s why you get tips! Whatever you do, any sort of work you do, you are helping others. So rejoice.

Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #147 – November 13, 2022

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