Buddha’s Eight Fold Path

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 1 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #1 (33:54)
Rimpoche begins the discussion with acknowledging suffering as a place to begin to develop the right view. He looks historically at the Buddha’s life by describing his struggle to discover the truth of suffering from an artificial environment. Truth he suggests lies beyond denial. By not thinking, talking about or acknowledging truth will not help to free us from the suffering of illness, old age or death.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 2 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #2 (31:53)
“We have a problem with being out of touch with compassion, not being out of touch with suffering,” Rimpoche says before exploring the 2nd noble truth (the cause of suffering). He then elaborates on our addictions to ignorance, anger, attachment and jealousy as the causes that make us suffer.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 3 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #3 (29:30)
Rimpoche describes the essence of Buddhist practice as changing habitual patterns. He begins to explore right speech and right action by virtue of our response to the suffering we experience from negative actions. “Where and how we handle negativity makes a difference” he says and offers 4 powers as an antidote action to transform negativity.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 4 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #4 (24:48)
A simple explanation of emptiness ‘slips out’ of Rimpoche’s mouth to explain the nature of purification. He offers wisdom and compassion as the ultimate antidote actions for all negativity. Wisdom and compassion are the primary supports of the Buddhist understanding of right speech, right action, right aspiration, and right view.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 5 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #5 (29:52)
Rimpoche begins by describing love and compassion as two aspects of one mind focused on ourselves and other beings. One aspect wishes to separate self and others from suffering while the other wishes to make them happy. He spends the rest of the lesson on meditation techniques to support right mindfulness and right concentration.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 6 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #6 (32.04)
Rimpoche reviews love and compassion as the right view and insists we must include ourselves in meditations on it. He closes the latter part of the lesson by putting the right mindfulness and the right concentration together with practical insights.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Lesson Number 7 of 7
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path #7 (22:58)
Rimpoche leads a guided meditation and closes with recitation and explanation of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra.