On the occasion of Sakadawa Day, the day of Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death, there is great merit in taking the Eight Mahayana precepts for 24 hours. The precepts are taken at dawn just before the local area’s sunrise.

Please note: The precept of “not eating at the wrong time” refers to not eating after lunchtime, with breakfast and lunch preferably vegetarian.

Demo Rinpoche has offered a video recording of the Mahayana Precepts Ceremony below to support those who have previously received the transmission of these precept vows and plan to take them at home.

Please note: To take these precept vows for the first time requires in-person transmission from a qualified person. The video does not serve the purpose to take them for the first time.

Individuals taking the precepts are welcome to use their Jewel Heart Prayer Book for their session. It is also available as the Blue Prayer Book on the Members Access webpage. Or you can use download the pdf posted below.

The elements for taking the precepts can be found  on page 11 for the Jewel Heart prayers, page 7 for the mandala offering, and then page 126 to take the Eight Mahayana Precepts.

For your convenience, they are combined and posted in a single pdf for download below.

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