The Five Paths and Six Perfections, in particular Generosity Based on the Five Paths, the Mahayana practitioner develops bodhimind and begins to practice the 6 perfections. Generosity is the first of these, but it has to have all 6 perfections within it. Audio Only
The Five Paths of the Mahayana Buddha means having attained the path of no more learning of the Mahayana. The other paths are path of accumulation, path of preparation, path of seeing and path of meditation. Audio Only
Unlimited Compassion for All Beings Bodhimind aims at liberating all beings and therefore needing to become Buddha to accomplish this. Bodhimind is based on compassionand that is based on love. Love is based on feeling closely connected with all beings. Using one’s intellect in analytical meditation one finds that the best way to help oneself…
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Hinayana and Mahayana Distinction From Hinayana to Mahayana – one is built on the other. Theravada is helping yourself, based on that, Mahayana is helping everyone. Looking down on Dharma means to disparage any other spiritual tradition. Mahayana essence is ultimate, unlimited love and compassion. Audio Only
Theravada and Mahayana and what makes you a Buddhist With Theravada as foundation, Mahayana’s universal compassion is built on that. because of urgent need, fast methods are found in Vajrayana. But pride is not called for, the practice has to be heartfelt. True Buddhist practice comes from clearly understanding the qualities of Buddha, Dharma and…
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Benefits of Bodhimind In this life we have extraordinary chance to encounter and cultivate bodhimind, very rare to even hear about. If we practice correctly, we will see improvement of becoming kinder and gentler. We won’t get burn-out and can continue bodhimind, which purifies all negativities and accumulates limitless virtue. Audio Only
Compassion: Essence of Mahayana Based on the foundation of refuge and knowledge of karma, the extraordinary compassion, known as bodhimind, is the essence of the Mahayana path. True compassion is based on love and therefore knows no burn out. Love is not to be confused with obsession, which is ego-based. Audio Only
What Does It Mean To Reach Total Enlightenment What is total enlightenment and can we achieve it? Through dedicated practice of Mahayana-Vajrayana there is a way. The last two truths are cessation of suffering and the path to that. Buddhahood is ultimate cessation of all limits to ultimate happiness and capability. The path can be…
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The Causes of Our Discomfort Addictions and karma are the causes of suffering. Addictions can all be seen under the aspect of the Three Poisons, ignorance, hatred, obsession. We have to change out habits to overcome these. That’s main purpose of spiritual practice. To accomplish this we need to use morality, concentration and wisdom. Audio…
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Rebirth and Karma Is Rebirth Real? We have to carefully investigate. Without rebirth, the chain and cause and result would not make sense. Karma is our reality. Causes and conditions govern our lives. We are responsible for our life and future lives. Best karma: attain enlightenment to be then able to best help others Audio…
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