Blog Posts: The Seven Limbs or Seven Practices 

I bow down in body, speech and mind. I offer the best I have to give both real and imagined to fill the space between us. I regret and purify all transgressions. I rejoice in all virtues. I request you to remain until total enlightenment. I request wise and compassionate guidance. I dedicate my merit…
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Blog Posts: The Company You Keep

We have a teaching in Tibet. “The influence of friends is so powerful.” Honestly. I don’t remember very clearly now. But there were two guys from one village. One of them was a very nice guy and didn’t eat meat and didn’t drink alcohol. The other guy was a little loose, ate meat. That’s very…
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Blog Posts: Wisdom: Base, Path, Result

WISDOM What is wisdom? In Buddhism, we can talk about wisdom in many ways. The way the Prajnaparamita sutras deal with wisdom is: combining wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom is a state of mind, no doubt. However, these sutras do not directly talk about the mind. Instead, they talk about the nature of reality. The nature…
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Blog Posts: What Is Meditation On The Spiritual Journey?

Briefly speaking to practice Buddhism there are three things: learning, thinking – or contemplating – and meditating. Learning doesn’t mean to become a great scholar or teacher. At least, you have to know what you are doing. I just want to bring this up to date. One shouldn’t do what one doesn’t know. That’s very…
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Blog Posts: Concentrated Meditation And Balancing

We have been working for along time on a variety of topics based on the lamrim, Odyssey to Freedom. Now we have come to the point of the fifth Paramita, the Paramita of Meditation, which is mainly concentrated meditation. We have two parallel programs running on this topic. One is the course in Ann Arbor…
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Blog Posts: Feeling the Suffering

The Buddha’s teachings sort of push us into all kinds of challenges. They will drive us. Why? Because the goal is total enlightenment. In order to get total enlightenment we are forced to see our limitations. That is why this is serious and solid business. Fortunately or unfortunately, it is not just a feel-good business….
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Events and Courses: H.E. Dagyab Rinpoche Public Teaching New York

H.E. Dagyab Kyabgon Rinpoche has informed us that he regrets to have to cancel his visits to Jewel Heart Ann Arbor and Jewel Heart New York in October. Dagyab Rinpoche will give a public Preparation Initiation for Medicine Buddha and Main Initiation for Medicine Buddha at Jewel Heart New York from October 19 – 20, 2019. Further…
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Blog Posts: Following A Tradition With A Lineage And 29th Day Soup

The spiritual path is the same thing we all definitely need. Otherwise you people won’t be here today. There is no reason why you would come here on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning, with beautiful clean, pure white snow – a pure land must be something like that. Whatever else purer is there? Pure snow…
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Blog Posts: Put Your Learning Into Practice

What are you going to take home today? Compassion, love and the ultimate, unlimited, unconditional love and compassion, which is the bodhimind. It is something we can develop, at least create as an artificial thought. If we entertain that, every day our life will be very worthwhile. That also clears a lot of our obstacles…
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Blog Posts: Buddhas Teachings Reach Everyone’s Level

Whether it is the teachings on wisdom, or whether it is teachings on method. It is the same logic that teachings should be given according to the mental aptitude of the disciples. So this diversity of teachings given by the Buddha, depending on the diversity of mental aptitudes of the disciples, is perhaps something that…
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