This holiday Ganden Lha Gyema and Migtsema Mantra Retreat will include video teachings by Demo Rinpoche, guided meditations and discussions facilitated by Jewel Heart instructors, as well as personal Migtsema mantra recitation time.

The Ganden Lha Gyema – or The Hundred Deities of the Land of Joy – is an important guru yoga practice of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhist tradition, originated by Jamgön Lama Tsongkhapa (1357-1419). Je Tsongkhapa was a famed scholar and Buddhist master whose many treatises built upon the foundation established by the early Indian master, Atisha, famous in Tibet for unifying the philosophical traditions of sutra and tantra. Je Tsongkhapa is considered by many to be an emanation of the Buddha of Wisdom, Manjushri, thereby perfecting the qualities of greater compassion and wisdom leading to enlightenment. The many effects of a guru yoga practice such as the Ganden Lha Gyema are protective, enduring, and reliable in guiding us on a spiritual path to gain these same qualities.

No set number of mantras is required.
No special initiation or previous experience is required.

Onsite in Ann Arbor. Online via Zoom.
$65 Member / $80 Non-Member
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Gelek Rimpoche – Ganden Lha Gyema – Fall 2009

Previous teachings on the Ganden Lha Gyema include:

The Hundreds of Deities of the Land of Joy – Ganden Lha Gyema (2017) – Jewel Heart
Demo Rinpoche – Je Tsongkhapa and His Work (2019) – Jewel Heart
Prayer for the Flourishing of Je Tsongkhapa’s Teaching (2019) – Jewel Heart
Demo Rinpoche – Je Tsongkhapa’s Songs of Spiritual Experience (2020) – Jewel Heart

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