Blog Posts: Tibet Fund Annual Gala

By Gelek Rimpoche I attended the Tibet Fund Annual Gala dinner recently. This time Tibet Fund honored Lodi Gyari Rinpoche for his service to the Tibetans. It is true that he has served the Tibetan cause for over five decades in various capacities, including HHDL’s special representative and ambassador at large. It was wonderful that…
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Blog Posts: Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe

Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe By Gelek Rimpoche It was so wonderful that Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe came to Jewel Heart and gave a fantastic teaching for the weekend in Ann Arbor recently and that he is also giving a weekend teaching in New York coming up soon. Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe substituted for me for my Sunday broadcast,…
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Tibetan Buddhism Talks: Tibetan Buddhism with Gelek Rimpoche 37

Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe Cessation of Suffering Through Eliminating the Causes, particularly Anger Cessation is the ending of negativities, especially self grasping, the root of all negative emotions. It is a demonic concept, imputing an inherently existing self in the locus of the 5 skandhas. We must begin by gradually weakening the biggest negative emotions, like…
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Blog Posts: See You at Garrison

Looking forward to seeing those attending this upcoming Jewel Heart retreat at The Garrison Institute. I understand that there will be 32 Tibetans (so far) joining us.

On Demand Audio: Six Secrets of a Successful Compassionate Person

In this series, you will be listening to original unedited audio teachings by Gelek Rimpoche during the 2010 Summer Retreat held at Jewel Heart, in Ann Arbor, MI. We hear the call for compassion every day, both from within our own small circle and the greater world at large. Moved to help, we wonder how…
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Tibetan Buddhism Talks: Tibetan Buddhism with Gelek Rimpoche 36

Is No Greater Protection than Patience As we pursue the path to liberation and the cultivation of bodhimind, it’s important to understand the role of patience as protection against anger. Audio Only

Blog Posts: What is the Measure of Success?

By Gelek Rimpoche I had a very successful trip to Malaysia and Singapore at the end of this summer. I would like to send my apologies and regrets to the people in Penang that I couldn’t make it this year. Hopefully I will visit you soon. I also owe a huge debt of gratitude to…
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On Demand Audio: Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2007 Labor Day Weekend Retreat

In this series, you will be listening to original unedited audio teachings by Gelek Rimpoche during the 2007 Labor Day Weekend Retreat held at Jewel Heart in Ann Arbor, MI. The great Indian yogi Dharmarakshita composed this text centuries ago, yet its message remains valid and profound. All our misfortunes originated from not understanding that…
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Tibetan Buddhism Talks: Tibetan Buddhism with Gelek Rimpoche 35

The Perfection of Morality The path to self liberation must include morality as taught by The Buddha Audio Only

On Demand Audio: Compassion in Action Summer Retreat 2009

In this series, you will be listening to original unedited audio teachings by Gelek Rimpoche during the 2009 Summer Retreat held at the Jewel Heart headquarters in Ann Arbor, MI. All interactions, particularly with the many difficulties people face today, are best served with compassion and clarity. Compassion fosters generosity, non-violence, patience, enthusiasm and focus,…
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