Digital Dharma: Selflessness of Self – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 123
Blog Posts: The Starving Tiger – from Jataka Tale #1

THE STARVING TIGER Born in a past life Buddha was born as a brahmin in a wealthy family. As a Bodhisattva, the Buddha chose to renounce a life of privilege. He became a beloved teacher, living a simple life in a forest retreat. One day, he was walking with a disciple up a mountain path…
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Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Unconquerable One – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 122
Digital Dharma: Take Gossip The Right Way – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 121
Digital Dharma: Shantideva and Judgement – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 120
Events and Courses: H.E. Dagyab Kyabgon Rinpoche – The Logic of Tantra (2022)

Buddhist Tantra, a special Mahayana Buddhist practice transmitted and practiced for centuries, was brought from India to Tibet. It is based entirely on the realization of emptiness and the pursuit of the welfare of all beings. Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche has been teaching Buddhist Tantra for decades in the West and East and is considered one…
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Events and Courses: H.E. Dagyab Kyabgon Rinpoche – The Graduated Path in 60 Verses (2022)

Based on his own composition, these recordings of the oral teachings by the great Tibetan master Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche present the classical step-by-step method in a compact summary of the entire path to Buddhahood. Tailored for the 21st century, these teachings are based on tradition in the best sense with Dagyab Rinpoche’s characteristic warmth and…
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Digital Dharma: Big Heart – Small Problems – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 119
Events and Courses: Guy Newland: Kindness, Clarity and Insight

In Thailand, Tibet and Taiwan–throughout the world–Buddhist practice means training the mind in ethics, in concentration, and in wisdom. We will use this framework to introduce Buddhist teachings as a practical guide to a calmer and more caring way of life. Kindness, clarity, and insight –– a curious sequence of words. What lies behind them…
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Retreats and Trips: Demo Rinpoche 2022 Fall Retreat – 37 Dharma Wings for Enlightenment

The 37 Dharma Wings for Enlightenment are for all Buddhist practitioners who want to follow Buddha’s path. With the Four Noble Truths as the foundation of Buddha’s teachings, the 37 Dharma Wings for Enlightenment form the basis of Buddhist practice. For a beginning level practitioner or someone who wants to form a stable basis for Buddhist meditation…
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