Join the Jewel Heart International community to celebrate the incoming New Year with prayers for a healthy, prosperous, and spiritually beneficial future by reciting the Lama Chöpa and Tsoh together, online and onsite, followed by a Jewel Heart Ann Arbor onsite potluck party – bring a dish to pass! Everyone is welcome. COVID GUIDELINES DATE/TIME:…
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Offering mandalas, a powerful practice of visualizing and offering pure universes, is an important method for building positive merit throughout many Buddhist traditions. Great practitioners such as Atisha and Tsongkhapa are renowned for the vast numbers of mandala offerings they made. In many traditions, accumulating 100,000 short mandala offerings is a prerequisite for tantric practice….
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The bodhisattva vow ceremony is a festive ritual where participants bring flowers to decorate the throne, altar and room, and recite the ritual text as a group, centered on taking the bodhisattva vows. Demo Rinpoche will share teachings, lead the ritual, and bestow the vows. Taking the bodhisattva vows is done to safeguard and support…
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