Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Sharabha Deer – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 130
Digital Dharma: Anger Is A Tornado – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 129
Blog Posts: The Sharabha Deer – from Jataka Tale #25

Once the Buddha was born as a bodhisattva in the form of a Sharabha Deer. This sharabha was magnificent in all respects. He lived in the deep forest content to subsist on leaves and grace. Although he was the shape of an animal, his mind was as steadfast as any human. One day the king…
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Digital Dharma: Trust in Yourself – Don’t Be Like a Flag – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 128
Events and Courses: Melody of Emptiness Part 2 – Demo Rinpoche (2022)

Demo Rinpoche shares his understanding of Melody of Emptiness, Changya Rolpai Dorje’s exquisitely composed song that reveals how we can recognize the true nature of reality. “Ah! I, Rölpai Dorjé, perform here and now at my retreat site at the sacred Wutai Shan mountain a dance of ecstatic joy out of amazement and admiration for…
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Digital Dharma: Love and Compassion of Mother- Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 127
Blog Posts: The Two Swans – from Jataka Tale #22

In one of his lifetimes, the Buddha was the king of swans. The commander of the swan army was the Buddha’s disciple, Ananda, in a former birth. Together they were devoted to the betterment of their subjects. When a human king in Varanasi heard of the two great swans, he wanted to observe them. So,…
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Blog Posts: The Brahmin Student – from Jataka Tale #12

In one of his past lives, the Buddha was the diligent student of a pious and learned teacher who wanted to test the character of his students. He told them about the hardships of poverty and that only wealth can relieve the pains of it. The teacher said one of the methods of gaining wealth…
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Blog Posts: The Beggar Wants An Eye – From Jataka Tale #2

At this time the Buddha was a wealthy, benevolent king whose generosity knew no bounds.  His joy in giving was limitless, so supplicants were not denied requests.  Gold, silver, precious gems, all were granted, whatever the desire. One day a poor, blind beggar asked the king for one of his eyes. With great joy to…
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Blog Posts: A Question of Anger – from Jataka Tale #21

The Buddha was once born as a bodhisattva into a prosperous, noble Brahmin family.  He did not enjoy the life of a householder as he was accustomed to wisdom and renunciation as a bodhisattva of numerous lifetimes.  The noble Brahmin decided to set such a life aside and become a renunciate in the forest. His…
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