Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Renunciant – Avoiding Wild Behavior – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 169
Digital Dharma: The Three Poisons – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 168
Digital Dharma: Mother and Her Love – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 167
Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: King Maitribala – Courageous Generosity – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 166
Events and Courses: 35 Year Anniversary Celebration

Join the Jewel Heart community as we celebrate the past 35 joyful years of teachings, retreats, initiations, gatherings and camaraderie and look forward together to the future. The celebrations will be held at Jewel Heart Ann Arbor, 1129 Oak Valley Drive following the conclusion of the 2023 Jewel Heart Joyful Summer Retreat. Schedule of Events…
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Events and Courses: Demo Rinpoche: White Tara Longevity Initiation

Demo Rinpoche will give the White Tara Longevity Initiation as the conclusion to the 2023 Summer Retreat. The initiation will be at the Jewel Heart Center in Ann Arbor, MI. White Tara is a female Buddha who embodies the healing and long life capabilities of enlightened beings. She is known for her quick and compassionate…
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Digital Dharma: Harmony in Earth Day – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 165
Digital Dharma: Language and Perception – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 164
Digital Dharma: Hope Is In Your Hands – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 163
Events and Courses: Prof. Guy Newland: If All is Empty, What Matters?

Professor Newland will provide an introduction and explanation of what “emptiness” does (and doesn’t) mean in the Dalai Lama’s system of Tibetan Buddhism. He will explore such questions as: Why does anything matter if it’s all empty? How can empty things work? How can empty persons do anything? And why should they? How would an…
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