Events and Courses: H. E. Dagyab Kyabgon Rinpoche: What is the Essence of Buddha’s Teaching?

H. E. Dagyab Rinpoche regrets that he had to cancel his September 23rd teaching on The Old and New Kadam Traditions. We hope to reschedule in the future. We apologize for this inconvenience and would like to offer his teachings given at Jewel Heart New York in May 2018. Please send an email to [email protected] to request a refund if you…
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Events and Courses: H. E. Samdhong Rinpoche: Four Classes of Tantra

His Eminence Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, a renowned Tibetan master, explains how the Tantrayana (also known as vajrayana) was transmitted from India to Tibet and why the Tibetan masters, scholars and translators became interested in studying it. Samdhong Rinpoche also introduces the gyu te zhi, the four stages of Buddhist tantra: the Kriya, Charya, Yoga and…
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Digital Dharma: The Meaning of Being Wise – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 174
Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Preacher of Forbearance – Ignoring Harmfulness – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 173
Web Page: Vajrayana

Jewel Heart is dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism and to bringing the practice of this rich tradition within the context of contemporary life to everyone. Jewel Heart provides opportunities for individuals to study and practice at all levels of interest, including advanced Vajrayana practice, carrying on the living tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in…
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Events and Courses: Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe: The Diamond Cutter Sutra – Part 2

Tuesdays October 3, 10, 17 and 24Fridays October 6, 13, 20 and 27Watch Live. Stream Later. Other Teachings by Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe: For questions please contact [email protected] Join / Donate

Digital Dharma: Risking Your Precious Life is Ignorant – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 172
Digital Dharma: Humans and Artificial Intelligence – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 171
Digital Dharma: Retreating To Quiet Places for Practice – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 170
Web Page: Jewel Heart Audio Downloads

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