Events and Courses: 2024 Tsongkhapa Day Tsoh

Celebrate Lama Tsongkhapa Day, known as Ganden Ngamchö in Tibetan, with a group Lama Chöpa recitation and Tsoh. This annual celebration recognizes the parinirvana of Jamgön Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Demo Rinpoche will also present a teaching celebratingTsongkhapa Day entitled Tears of a Bodhisattva on Saturday, December 14th….
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Retreats and Trips: Migtsema Holiday Intensive 2024

This holiday Ganden Lha Gyema and Migtsema Mantra Retreat will include video teachings by Demo Rinpoche, guided meditations and discussions facilitated by Jewel Heart instructors, as well as personal Migtsema mantra recitation time. No set number of mantras is required. No special initiation or previous experience is required. Join / Donate

Events and Courses: Demo Rinpoche: 2024 Tsongkhapa Day Teaching – Tears of a Bodhisattva

Tears of a Bodhisattva – The Spiritual Biography of Bodhisattva Sadāprarudita (The Constantly Weeping Bodhisattva) The story of Sadaprarudita, known as the Constantly Weeping Bodhisattva, first appears in The Perfection of Wisdom in 8000 Lines. His story was later related by Je Tsongkhapa in his own text titled Perpetually Weeping Bodhisattva. Like other outstanding early…
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Digital Dharma: Practice at a Steady Pace, Even in Vajrayana – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 219
Digital Dharma: Analytical Meditation of No Self To Be Better Self – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 218
Digital Dharma: Arrogance of Meaningless is Meaningless – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 217
Digital Dharma: Generous While Broken – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 216
Digital Dharma: Never Let Yourself Down – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 215
Digital Dharma: Preserving Dharma The Spiritual Way – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 214
Blog Posts: Overcoming Arrogance (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #213 July 21, 2024)

Arrogance is a big problem  I would like to talk about something that makes us idiots and uncomfortable in our daily life, and that is arrogance. Usually, when we talk about arrogance the first thing that comes to mind is trying to bully someone or showing off. We don’t see the real part of arrogance…
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