Blog Posts: Adopt Virtue, Discard Non-Virtue (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. # 199 – March 31, 2024)

In Buddha’s Sutra he says: Discard non-virtue that is already generated. Prevent non-virtue not yet generated. Develop virtue that already have generated. Generate virtue not yet generated yet. In order to do these four deeds, have the motivation first. Then try, and then work hard, then hold your mind and then place your mind. Usually there are two…
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Digital Dharma: Be Happy In A Momentary Solar Eclipse – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 201
Events and Courses: Resources for 24-hour Mahayana Precepts

Sakadawa Day is celebrated as the day of Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. There is great merit in taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts for 24 hours on Sakadawa Day. The precepts are taken at dawn before the local area’s sunrise. Taking these precepts for the first time requires in-person transmission from a qualified person. Eight…
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Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Horrors of Hell / Realization of Dharma – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 200
Digital Dharma: Motivate Yourself to be Virtuous Everyday – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 199
Digital Dharma: Without Self Confidence, Blatant Lies Lure You In – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 198
Events and Courses: Demo Rinpoche: Sakadawa & Vesak Day 2024

The day on which Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and passed away (also known as parinirvana) is celebrated as Sakadawa Day by Tibetan Buddhist traditions and Vesak Day by other Buddhists traditions. Both of these systems use the lunar calendar to calculate the day of commemoration and are often recognized on different days. However, this…
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Digital Dharma: Equalizing Center of Care – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 197
Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The King’s Banker – Benefiting Living Beings – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 196
Digital Dharma: Nothing Is Better Than Bodhimind For True Happiness – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 195

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