Digital Dharma: You Are Not The Only One – All Beings Suffer – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 191
Digital Dharma: Learning From Dogs – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 190
Events and Courses: Gelek Rimpoche Commemorative Tsoh

Join Jewel Heart in commemorating our Founder, Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche. FreeOpen to allOnsite at Jewel Heart Ann Arbor or online via Zoom After registering for zoom, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions, including the option to save the zoom link to your calendar and to set up reminder notifications. Join / Donate

Events and Courses: Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe: Kamalashila’s Stages of Meditation

Translator Katrina Brooks explains what makes Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe’s upcoming teaching on Kamalashila’s Stages of Meditation (the final stages of meditation section) special. Kamalashila was an eighth century Indian scholar at the renowned Nalanda University in India. At the invitation of the Tibetan King, he accompanied Shantarakshita to Tibet where they are credited for establishing the…
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Web Page: About Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe

Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe is a genuine contemplative master and a member of the last generation extensively trained in old Tibet. He received his monastic education at Drepung Loseling Monastery and, in 1969, was awarded the Geshe Lharampa, the highest degree of scholarship conferred within the Geluk School of Tibetan Buddhism. He is Professor Emeritus of Buddhist…
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Digital Dharma: Avoiding Cause of Problem is Solution – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 189
Web Page: Jewel Heart Guest Teachers

Venerable Thubten Chodron is an author, teacher, and the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey, the only Tibetan Buddhist training monastery for Western nuns and monks in the US. She graduated from UCLA, and did graduate work in education at USC. Ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun in 1977, she has studied extensively with His Holiness…
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Digital Dharma: Atisha’s Dharma Practices – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 188
Transcripts: Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth

In this teaching Gelek Rimpoche comments in detail on the actual stages of death, the experience of the intermediate state, or bardo, and the process of taking rebirth, answering questions about how we experience death, how we can we take advantage of the death process and how we can we help the dying.

Transcripts: Attaining Lasting Satisfaction

In 2003, Gelek Rimpoche gave the series of talks collected in this volume at Renaissance Unity Church in Detroit. He spoke about the qualities of a genuine spiritual path, how it can bring us closer to our pure nature, and help us attain lasting satisfaction in this lifetime.

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