Digital Dharma: A Cloudy Mind vs Enlightened Mind – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 194
Events and Courses: Demo Rinpoche: Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland Part 5

Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland of Advice to a King In his Precious Garland, Nagarjuna gives advice on how to gain happiness in this life, individually and as a society. He then expands the scope to include happiness in future lives and attaining enlightenment through practical ethics, great compassion and the wisdom of kindness and emptiness. About…
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Retreats and Trips: Demo Rinpoche: Spring Seminar 2024

The Four Noble Truths are the first teaching Buddha gave after his enlightenment. Through recognizing suffering and understanding its underlying causes, we can rely on tools to help clear our negative attachments, build positivity, and develop to our greatest human potential.  Simple meditation starts with simple knowledge but the depth you can go to is determined…
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Events and Courses: Meditation Technology 2024: Analytical Meditation

Analytical Meditation: Focusing on Compassion and Wisdom Widely practiced in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, analytical meditation uses cognitive methods to overcome destructive emotions, such as anger and attachment, to generate helpful states of mind such as compassion and wisdom.Session 1, May 8, 2024Session 2, May 15, 2024Session 3, May 22, 2024Session 4, May 29, 2024…
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Digital Dharma: A Permanent Happiness – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 193
Events and Courses: Demo Rinpoche: Vajrayana Paths and Grounds

Attaining Enlightenment through the Methods of Vajrayana Vajrayana, or Secret Mantra or Tantra, is Buddha’s special way to attain enlightenment quickly and easily. Demo Rinpoche will explain how to prepare and enter into Vajrayana through initiation and how to progress through the four classes of Tantra in general, as well as the generation and completion…
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Web Page: About Ven. Tokden Rinpoche

Venerable Tokden Rinpoche, one of the senior-most lamas of Tibetan Buddhism and particularly of the Gelugpa tradition, was born in 1944 in the Dagyab district of Kham Province, Tibet. He was recognized as a reincarnated lama from childhood and received basic teachings on Buddhism and Tibetan literature from Gen Rinchen Choedak, one of the main…
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Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Sacrifice – The Generosity of Protection – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 192
Events and Courses: Robert A. F. Thurman: Wielding the Sword of Wisdom

The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra features a deep spiritual dialogue between Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom, and Vimalakirti, who although an Indian, can be considered the first Zen Master – apart from the Buddha himself – as he specializes in a type of discourse that is subtle, in a lucidity that balances on the razor’s edge…
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Web Page: About Professor Robert A. F. Thurman

Bob Thurman, known in the academic circles as Professor Robert A.F. Thurman, is a talented popularizer of the Buddha’s teachings, the first Western Tibetan Buddhist monk ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and was a longtime close friend of Gelek Rimpoche. A charismatic speaker and author of many books on Tibet, Buddhism, art, politics and…
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