SEM: The Nature of Mind, is compiled from teachings delivered by Gelek Rimpoche on the nature of the mind. This lightly edited transcript addresses the relationship between energy and mind, the mind’s capacity for liberation and wisdom, and continuity of consciousness.
One of the most thorough transcripts available on concentrated meditation, Gelek Rimpoche shares methods to develop deep, single-pointed meditation, as well as peace and joy in our lives. Includes 19 color plates on the meditator’s journey.
A new name for an old journey, Gelek Rimpoche created the Odyssey to Free-dom as a concise and complete Lam Rim outline for the 21st century. With 64 points, Odyssey to Freedom sets the stage for reflection on our everyday experience within a spiritual context and provides the path that lead to total enlightenment.
This commentary on the famous text in verse, The Three Principles of the Path by Je Tsongkhapa, explains the entire path to enlightenment, summarized in its three main features: renunciation, ultimate love-compassion and wisdom. Gelek Rimpoche’s commentary is profoundly modern. The whole teaching is wisdom-soaked and will provide the reader with an impulse to take…
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In this transcript Gelek Rimpoche talks about our negative emotions, how they conceal themselves, how we can recognize them, what obstacles we face and how to transform them into positivity. He also points out the signs of our buddha-nature awakening. Rimpoche gives everyday examples and also presents a buddhist practice to support the process of…
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Does karma leave any room for self-determination, or are we totally at the mercy of fate? Gelek Rinpoche explains how the law of karma works within the individual. By understanding ego and habitual patterns we find the key to freedom from pre-determination.
In this transcript, Gelek Rimpoche introduces bodhimind, the ultimate, unlimited, unconditional love and compassion that aspires to full enlightenment in order to help all living beings to get to that very enlightenment. He also explains the Six Perfections, the compassionate activities that result from the movitation of bodhimind.
Jewel Heart and its members would like to express its gratitude to Nyagre Khamtsen Monastery. The Monastery has informed us they are offering prayers for Gelek Rimpoche’s health and long life under the guidance of Tokden Rinpoche, the Abbot of the Loseling Monastery.