Essence of Tibetan Buddhism: Essence of Tibetan Buddhism 4

Bringing Precious Bodhimind into Focus Developing unconditioned love and compassion for all sentient beings may seem an impossible task given the force of our negative attachments and habitual self-cherishing. Yet by first focusing our meditation on those nearest and dearest to us, a taste of the possibility of precious bodhimind can become a reality in…
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On Demand Audio: Making Everyday Meaningful

MAKING EVERYDAY MEANINGFUL In this teaching, you will be listening to original unedited audio teachings by Gelek Rimpoche from September 2012 at the Jewel Heart Center in New York. The basis of this session is the Foundation of All Perfections, Je Tsong Khapa’s poetic expression of the stages of the path to enlightenment. Gelek Rimpoche…
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Audio Downloads: Eight Verses of Mind Training
On Demand Audio: A Tibetan Buddhist Workshop

In this teaching, you will be listening to original unedited audio teachings by Gelek Rimpoche early in 2012 with A Tibetan Buddhist Workshop and held at Jewel Heart in New York. In this session focused on the Foundation of All Perfections, a poetic expression of the stages of the path to enlightenment, Gelek Rimpoche shares…
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Essence of Tibetan Buddhism: Essence of Tibetan Buddhism 3

The Path to Bodhimind Developing bodhimind is one of the supreme goals of Mahayana Buddhism. Achieving this unparalleled state of love and compassion requires an extraordinary and sustained Audio Only

Essence of Tibetan Buddhism: Essence of Tibetan Buddhism 2

Motivation: the Key to Practice Buddhist practice begins with motivation. Setting a positive motivation makes a huge difference in our effectiveness in helping ourselves and others. Our motivation is a measure against which we can assess the quality of our thoughts and actions and our progress along the path. Audio Only

Retreats and Trips: California Weekend Retreat 2013

THREE PRINCIPAL ASPECTS OF THE PATH and WHITE TARA INITIATION with Gelek Rimpoche * Scroll below for information about An Evening with Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche in Sacramento on October 1, 2013   RETREAT Co-hosted by the Gyuto Vajrayana Center and Jewel Heart Friday, September 27, 2013 – Sunday, September 29, 2013 Held at the Vallambrosa…
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On Demand Audio: Melodies of an Echo: Search for the Truth

MELODIES OF AN ECHO: SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH In this series, you will be listening to original unedited audio teachings by Gelek Rimpoche at the 2012 Fall Weekend Retreat, Melodies of an Echo: Search for the Truth, Recognizing the Face of the Mother, held at Garrison Institute in Garrison, NY. The focus of the teachings…
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Essence of Tibetan Buddhism: Essence of Tibetan Buddhism 1

Finding the Path of Practical Buddhism Suffering is within us and all around us. Yet Buddhism speaks of the joy that has never known suffering. What is this joy and how do we best direct our motivation toward achieving it? Audio Only

Audio Downloads: Karma

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