Events and Courses: Garden Your Heart – Demo Rinpoche (2021)

Cultivate the garden of your mind, weed out negative emotions, and sow the seeds of enlightenment. Demo Rinpoche will draw on the vast teachings found in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition to celebrate the awakening mind of spring. The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. – His Holiness the Dalai…
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Events and Courses: Joseph Loizzo – Clockwork Science: Kalachakra Vision to Awaken Humanity, Society & the Planet (2021)

This course will explore the radically positive vision of our human future offered by the great Unexcelled Yoga Tantra system of Kalachakra, the Wheel of Time (or the Clockwork Process). The program will be presented in three evenings culminating in a Saturday workshop that compares the ancient tradition of meditation with modern scientific discoveries aimed…
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Events and Courses: Demo Rinpoche – Vesak Day

Just before attaining enlightenment, a swarm of demons manifested to tempt, threaten, and deter Buddha from accomplishing his goal. Turn by turn, Buddha meditated on love and compassion, transforming all their weapons into flowers.  We invite you to join Demo Rinpoche’s talk commemorating these events as we celebrate the Buddha’s enlightenment on this Vesak Day….
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Events and Courses: H.E. Professor Samdhong Rinpoche – Guru Devotion

What are the benefits of relying on a guru? What are the qualities of both the guru and the disciple? According to Samdhong Rinpoche, “Guru devotion is the basic foundation of a spiritual journey.” In a rare video presentation for Jewel Heart, H. E. Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, the first elected prime minister of the Tibetan…
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Events and Courses: The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life Part 3 – Demo Rinpoche

Shantideva’s Bodhisattva’s Way of Life was composed in the 8th century and is among the most beloved and inspiring works in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. With the motivation of unselfishly helping others, a bodhisattva aspires to follow in the footsteps of the Buddha. Shantideva gives detailed instructions on the benefits and methods of living in…
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Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: King of the Gods – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 76
Events and Courses: Professor Guy Newland: Three Approaches to Profound Reality (2021)

When Buddha meditated on the causes of human suffering and dissatisfaction, he found liberation, which he described as realizing Profound Reality. Professor Guy Newland will contrast three different approaches to getting to Profound Reality by three eminent Tibetan masters: Dolpopa Sherap Gyaltsen, Jamgön Lama Tsongkhapa, and Goram Sönam Senge (more familiarly known as Gorampa). Guy…
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Digital Dharma: Jataka Tales: The Starving Tiger – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 75
Events and Courses: 2018-2020 Lam Rim with Demo Rinpoche Complete

In the Lam Rim, or Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, Buddha’s teachings are presented step-by-step to allow for gradual experiential awareness and understanding of our inner and outer world. Through this process, we can transform the challenges and confusion encountered in ordinary everyday life to the extraordinary compassion and wisdom of enlightenment. Je Tsongkhapa…
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Events and Courses: Anthony King, PhD – Neuroscience & Psychology of Meditation: Mindfulness & Negative Emotions (2021)

Meditation can allow us to become more aware of the contents and habits of our minds, and the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and the world we live in. Cultivation of metacognitive awareness and equanimity helps us to recognize and work positively with afflictive emotions and the effects have on our bodies and our…
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