Blog Posts: Are You Busy Lazy? [VIDEO]

ENTHUSIASM AND LAZINESS So enthusiasm is really an important point. You know why? One of our major problems is laziness. Laziness comes in all different forms. I always say: there are two different types of laziness: Eastern laziness and Western laziness. Eastern laziness is what I have. If I get a nice cup – or…
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Blog Posts: Is Buddha’s Wisdom True Today? [VIDEO]

 So today, Buddha’s teaching is simply this: Do not rely on interpretable statements, but rely on direct non-interpretable. But who knows what is direct and not direct? Our own wisdom, which is linked up with the wisdom of the earlier great masters. And that will reveal the truth. That is the third reliability I…
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Events and Courses: Buddha’s Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma (Free)

Buddha’s Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe Sundays, September 9, 16, 23 – 11:00am – 12:00pm Eastern Onsite Jewel Heart Ann Arbor and Online via Webinar When Buddha shared his personal experience of enlightenment with his disciples, he tailored it to individual capacity and inclination rather than offering everyone the same…
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Blog Posts: Reminder To Share: Hatred Hurts Ourselves [VIDEO]

    American people are so great, so wonderful, so kind, so generous. However, there is the need of that awareness that hatred and anger hurt not the other persons, but yourself. That education, that information, is not very popular with the American public. All of us could give that message, looking at this election…
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Blog Posts: Demo Rinpoche On Je Tsong Khapa

Tsong Khapa wrote 18 volumes of more than 1000 pages each. Only Lam Rim Chenmo has been translated. When these volumes are translated you will really know who Je Tsong Khapa is.” ~ Demo Rinpoche, Jewel Heart Ann Arbor, December 2, 2017  

Blog Posts: Some Clarity On Renunciation

The next teaching on emptiness is about anataman, the Buddhist notion of selflessness. But again, something we have to keep in mind: when we talk about selflessness, it doesn’t mean there is no self. Even when the teachings say that we should give up this world, it doesn’t mean that we should give up caring…
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Blog Posts: Your Peace And My Peace

The disturbance in your peace comes from obsession and hatred. It is very easy to explore and use. We witnessed that the last couple of decades. We spent our time entertaining and building and encouraging our hatred. That really destroys harmony and peace among us and within ourselves. In short, if we are not building…
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Blog Posts: With Bodhimind, Political Season A Good Time To Work With Negative Emotions

Audience: These afflictive emotions I feel all the time, particularly anger, whenever I open a newspaper in this political season. These negative emotions get provoked, for good reason. What antidotes can we apply? What do I do when I hear that a drone strike paid for by our tax dollars has just killed men, women…
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Digital Dharma: What is Faith? – Demo Rinpoche Sunday Talk 08
Blog Posts: Clear The Mental Junk By Increasing Focused Concentration

Particularly, today we are living in such a time, you know, everybody knows what happens everywhere. Almost next minute everybody will know what is happening, good or bad. This is the 24-hour news cycle, which makes our life very different from the good old evening news or morning news paper. That was a reasonably relaxed…
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